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    Flipping multiple Unilever orders into an invoice

    211 3 Created on 2020-06-17 12:30:02; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:12

    This article explains the steps to flip multiple Unilever orders (purchase orders and/or order changes) into an invoice, simultaneously. 


    In case you do not have this functionality, but would like to activate it, please reach out to Unilever via their Supplier Query Form.


    Prerequisites for flipping multiple documents:

    • The documents are purchase orders (POs) or order changes (OCs).
    • The documents are all issued by Unilever;
    • The documents are issued with the same currency;
    • The Unilever entity that you are invoicing has the multiple PO flip feature activated.

    If these prerequisites are not met, the platform displays an error message when you select the documents and attempt to take the next step. Redo your selection taking into consideration these criteria.

    For clarification, the term "flipping" refers to the process of generating an invoice from one or multiple procurement documents (purchase order and/or order change). Flipping one document into an invoice is described here.

    Steps to flip multiple orders: 

    1. Open the Document Manager app, and filter your view to display purchase orders, and order changes, as described here.
    2. Select the checkboxes corresponding to the purchase orders and order changes you want to flip into an invoice.

    Useful tip: If you selected a large number of POs and/or OCs and you want to completely redo your selection, use the Deselect all button at the bottom of the page, which becomes active when you select at least one document. Note that the maximum number of documents you can flip simultaneously is 15.

    1. Select the Create invoice from orders option at the bottom of the page. A new page opens, displaying all the PO/OC lines included in the documents you selected. Note that if an order change is created from a purchase order, the platform will display the lines available in the order change, i.e. in the latest version of the order document.
    2. Viewing options:

    1. To search for a specific order line, use the predictive search field at the top of the page to search for specific order lines, and add them to the invoice.
    2. In case there are already invoiced order lines, select the Show billed line items to have a full view of the order lines. The billed lines are greyed out and, although they can be added to the invoice, adding them creates a matching exception in your customer's system.

    1. Add the PO/OC lines you want to invoice, and then select Create invoice. The invoice viewer opens and displays the purchase order lines selected.
    2. Edit the purchase order line data, as needed, and then select Send. The invoice is generated and sent to the buyer.

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