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    How do I create an invoice without a Purchase Order?

    527 5 Created on 2019-12-12 13:23:53; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:11

    In order to send a non-PO invoice to Unilever, please follow these instructions.




    Open the Create Documents (1) app, and select "Invoice" (2).

    This will open a new, blank invoice, in which you can enter the necessary information.




    Start by selecting the correct Unilever branch (3), for which a connection is already established. Do not create connections manually. If you are unsure, check your connections in the "Network" app. Read more about this app here. After selecting the branch, choose the Legal Entity (4) of that branch from the subsequent drop-down menu.


    Following that, please complete the invoice form, making sure you add an Invoice Number (5), Issue date (Invoice date) and currency (6), as well as other requirements detailed in the following Validation Rules.


    For invoices which are issued in a currency that is not the local currency of the supplier, exchange rate and value of converted Tax amount to the local currency should be provided in the header (7).




    You can add more lines to your invoice using this button (8). Please also indicate only one payment method per invoice, do not use cash as a payment method (9). The payment method you select can be saved for future invoices.


    You can add attachments using the field on the right (10). Attachments can only be in the following formats:()


    Once all required fields are completed, you can preview or send your invoice (11)!


    Tradeshift will then validate the invoice against the rules, and will highlight any corrections you need to make before sending the document. You can find some of the most common corrections to watch out for here.


    After your document is sent, you can view its status in the Document Manager app. Read more about this app here.

    5 people found this helpful.

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