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    Tradeshift account activation steps

    916 3 Created on 2019-07-10 12:36:17; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:09

    From the invitation email you have received, please click the activation button: 

    This will take you to the following Tradeshift page, which contains some pre-entered information about your account:

    Your Business Name (1) and Country (2) will be pre-filled. Please make sure this information is correct.

    Note that you cannot change your account's country after it is activated, so any country change must be done at this step. 

    You can also enter your company size (3) and industry (4), if you wish. Once all the entered information is correct, click "Confirm".

    You will then be taken to another screen where you can enter information about you as a Tradeshift user:

    On this screen, please enter your full name (1) and email address (2). 

    Note that if you modify the email, a confirmation email will be sent to the entered email, so please ensure it is entered correctly.

    Select a password (3), and change your language settings if necessary (4).

    Please review and agree to Tradeshift's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy by checking the box (5). You can choose whether or not to receive communications from Tradeshift by checking the lowest box (6). Once all the information entered here is correct, click "Create account".

    The below steps only apply if you have modified a different email from what was pre-filled:

    Tradeshift will then prompt you to activate your account via another email:

    Open the inbox of the email address you selected earlier, and click the button in the activation email you received:

    You will then be taken to your activated Tradeshift account! For further help once logged in, please consult Unilever's support page:

    3 people found this helpful.

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